Human & Animal Bridging Research Organization

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The Human and Animal Bridge Discussion Group (HAB) was founded in 1994 to distribute the human tissues for the researchers at pharmaceutical industries and universities in Japan. HAB contracted the National Disease Research Interchange (NDRI) in Philadelphia, PA, U.S.A to procure human tissues and isolated cells based on International Partnership. NDRI is a unique nonprofit, federally-funded organization engaged in the procurement and distribution of human tissues and organs for biomedical researchers. NDRI distributes non transplantable and un-transplantable human tissues and cells such as islet cells of brain death patients for the scientists in Japan. Distribution of human tissues from NDRI to HAB is legally implemented under the consent of the patients and/or their families.
HAB intended to develop the activities extensively, and it decided to change the name to HAB Research Organization (HABRO) taking effect at the 2002 annual meeting. HABRO was certified by Japanese Government as Non Profit Organization.

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